Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Before and After Pictures

Dr. Brenna checking out Bella Sunday night. Maybe someday she'll be a real doctor!
Brenna and her friend Bella Horrocks from Habitat for Hope. They're buddies.
Eating a popsicle in ICU. It was yummy.
Sitting on Grandpa's lap listening to the occupational therapist. We're out of ICU in a room on the 5th floor. She had an MRI this morning and is feeling much better. She even ate a little lunch - half a hot dog and a chocolate swiss cake roll. We're just so thankful that she's able to talk and walk a little and she doesn't have those wires hanging out of her head anymore. God is Good!!


Harmons said...

I can't even express the words that I am feeling right now for you all!
We love you!

Debbie Dahling said...

Brenna Dahling,

What great pictures, I love the one with you checking Bella out!!! That will look really cute on our scrapbook pages. You look better than Kyle!!! I think he feels better than he is acting like, because he likes having me wait on him!!!

God is soooo good to us. He answered prayers for you and for Kyle. Awesome!!!

Well, better go, gotta take Chief outside, since Kyle can't.

Love you Dahling,

Kiss, Kiss, Kiss Dahling

Debbie Dahling

Twinmom315 said...

Wow..we are so happy to see up and around! God is so amazing!! Talon and Preston said prayers for you and so did we! We can't wait for you and your family to come home. We love you guys and miss you! Feel better soon!
Mike, Jennifer, Talon and Preston Dillard

Susan said...

Praising GOD for all this wonderful news.

Brenna looks great!

Hope you guys get to go home for the weekend.

Continuing to pray HARD.

Giving thanks for all God has done♥